Quanzhou Juli Ağır Hizmet Mühendisliği Machinery Co, Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in Excavator Undercarriage Parts products in China. Our products cover ekskavatör palet makarası, Caterpillar E240B Palet Makarası, buldozer palet silindiri, yürüyen aksam silindirleri,and mini excavator track rollers.Among them, the excavator track roller is our strong product and has many customers all over the world.

Structural form and working principle of excavator track rollers

Paletli döner sondaj kulelerinin ana yük taşıyan yapısal bileşeni olarak, özellikle büyük tonajlı paletli döner sondaj kulelerinde, palet tekerleklerinin tasarım ve üretim kalitesi doğrudan sondaj kulesinin genel güvenliğiyle ilgilidir. Paletli döner sondaj kulelerinin çalışma koşulları karmaşıktır. Bazı özel kaldırma koşullarında veya bom koşullarında, palet tekerleklerinin yalnızca bir kısmı streslidir.

Öyleyse, palet tekerleklerinin düzeni ortada seyrek ve uçlarda yoğundur. Paletlinin gereksinimlerini karşılamak için Döner sondaj kulesinin ağırlığı giderek arttıkça, the number and structural parameters of the track wheels increase accordingly. The track wheels are installed at the bottom of the track frame and roll with the bottom surface of the belt plate when walking. The installation form is often open in small tonnage. Tip, closed structure is adopted in large tonnage.

Quality requirements for excavator track rollers

Excavator rollers are one of the important accessories of the excavator. They are used to support the weight of the excavator while rolling on the guide rails (demiryolu bağlantıları) or track decks of the crawler tracks. They are also used to limit the crawler tracks and prevent lateral slippage. . The track wheels force the tracks to slide on the ground as the excavator turns. Excavator rollers are often exposed to mud, su, ve toz, and are subject to strong impacts. Öyleyse, they are required to have reliable sealing, aşınmaya dayanıklı jantlar, ve düşük yuvarlanma direnci.

Common problems with excavator track roller

1. The excavator roller body is worn.

The reason for this situation is that the steel used is unqualified or the hardness of the material during heat treatment is low and the wear resistance is insufficient;

2. The excavator roller is leaking oil.

The supporting wheel shaft is constantly rotating through the bushing, and the wheel body needs to be lubricated with oil. Fakat, if the sealing ring is not good, oil leakage will easily occur. In this way, the shaft and bushing will easily wear without lubrication, causing The product cannot be used.

How ekskavatör palet makarası products prevent these problems

1. High temperature treatment enhances willfulness

Our excavator track roller and caterpillar E240B Track Roller have been treated at high temperatures and uses a variety of media, which greatly increases the physical properties of the product and increases its toughness, allowing it to easily cope with uphill, downhill and bumpy situations.

2. Thickened steel has stable performance

Our excavator track roller and caterpillar E240B Track Roller adopts thickened and stable steel, good welding performance, simple structure, easy assembly, interchangeable, and easy installation and maintenance.

3.Scientific design reduces wear and tear

Maintain working accuracy for a long time to reduce wear and tear, can accept loads from different directions, and can be calm and quiet even when carrying a load.

JULI Quanzhou'da bulun, yürüyen aksam parçaları ve diğer makine parçalarıyla ünlü bir şehir. Ürünlerimiz birinci sınıf kaliteyle yurt içi ve yurt dışı pazarda büyük talep görüyor, zengin modeller, makul fiyat ve iyi bir itibar. JULI'nin Rusya ile iyi ve uzun vadeli iş ilişkileri var, Avustralya, Kore, Orta Doğu, Afrika, Güneydoğu Asya müşterileri.

We provide excellent undercarriage parts including excavator track roller, Caterpillar E240B Palet Makarası, buldozer palet silindiri, yürüyen aksam silindirleri,and mini excavator track rollers.Hope friends from all over the world come to work with us. İşinizi desteklemek için size makul fiyat ve en iyi ürünü vereceğiz. Ayrıca daha iyi ve daha iyi olmamız için bizi destekleyecek tavsiye ve fikirlerinizi bekliyoruz..