Rola este una dintre curelele cu patru roți de pe șasiul mașinilor de construcții pe șenile. Its main function is to support the weight of excavators and bulldozers to move the tracks along the wheels.Track rollers are the wheels on the excavator chassis around which the weight is distributed.

În același timp,  track roller also rely on their roller flange to clamp the chain track not to derail the track laterally, to ensure that the machinery moves in the direction of the track, and at the same time,  track roller have a relatively small rolling resistance, and can complete the work in water or mud.

Track roller is a crucial part of an excavator.Rolă de șenile din China manufacturers provide a variety of track rollers,please take a look and get to know track rollers more.

How do track rollers work?

  Ca principală componentă structurală portantă a instalațiilor de foraj rotativ cu șenile, în special în instalațiile de foraj rotativ cu șenile de tonaj mare, calitatea de proiectare și fabricație a roților de șenile sunt direct legate de siguranța generală a instalației de foraj. Condițiile de lucru ale instalațiilor de foraj rotativ pe șenile sunt complexe. În unele condiții speciale de ridicare sau condiții de braț, doar unele dintre rotile de cale sunt solicitate. Prin urmare, dispunerea roţilor de şenile este rară la mijloc şi densă la capete. Pentru a îndeplini cerințele șenilelor Pe măsură ce greutatea instalației de foraj rotativ crește treptat, the number and structural parameters of the track rollers increase accordingly.

The track rollers are installed at the bottom of the track frame and form a roll with the bottom surface of the track plate when walking.

Function of Track rollers

The function of the rollers is to transfer the weight of the locomotive set to the ground and roll it on the track. Pentru a preveni deraierea, the roller also has to be able to prevent the track from moving laterally relative to it. Road rollers often work in muddy water and sandy soil and are subjected to strong impacts. The working conditions are extremely harsh and the wheel rims wear out easily. The requirements for road rollers are: jante rezistente la uzura, reliable bearing seals, și rezistență scăzută la rulare.

Characteristics of a good track roller

The excavator support wheel is one of the most important accessories of the excavator, it is used to support the weight of the excavator while rolling on the guide rails (legături feroviare) or track plate surface of the tracks, it is also used to restrain the tracks and prevent lateral slippage. The support wheel forces the tracks to slide on the ground as the excavator turns. The excavator support wheel is often in mud, water and dust, and is subjected to strong impacts, so it is required to be sealed reliably and the rim is wear-resistant.

Requirements for excavator supporting wheel:

  • Wear-resistant wheel rim
  • Reliable bearing seal
  • Low rolling resistance, etc.

Different types OF China track rollers from JULI

  Welcome buyers to visit our product list to find the track rollers they need, we offer a very wide range of models of track rollers.

 De exemplu:Rolă de șenile Caterpillar E240B,Rolă de șenile Caterpillar E320/320B/320C,DAEWOO-DOOSAN DH55 Track Roller,Rolă de șenile Hitachi EX100-5/120…

  For any track rollers, Chins track roller suppliers produce it with professionalism and strict attitude, and pursue consumer satisfaction with the most reasonable price and the fastest speed.

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