Power Cuts

Power Cuts

In response to the China power cuts policy, our factory is now adjusting the production operation time. Our factory production work takes two days off each day of production. The total production days are controlled at 10 days per month. Product...
2021 중국 국경일

2021 중국 국경일

중국 국경일은 무엇입니까?? 중국 국경절은 중화인민공화국 건국을 기념하기 위해 매년 10월 1일로 기념됩니다.. 그날에, 전국적으로 대규모 행사가 많이 개최됩니다.. 10월부터 7일 연휴. 1st to 7th is called...
Mid-Autumn Festival 2021, Mooncake Festival 2021

Mid-Autumn Festival 2021, Mooncake Festival 2021

When is Mid Autumn Festival? In 2021, the Mid-Autumn Festival will fall on September 21st (Tuesday). In 2021, Chinese people will enjoy an 3-day break from Sep. 19th to 21st. Mid-Autumn Festival is also called Mooncake Festival or Moon Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is...