Track roller excavator

Track roller excavator


Product Description

Our premium track roller for excavators ensures optimal performance and durability in the toughest conditions. As a crucial component of the crawler-type construction machinery chassis, it supports the weight of your excavator and bulldozer, allowing smooth track movement. Designed to operate efficiently on guide rails or track shoe surfaces, our track roller minimizes lateral slippage and withstands strong impacts. Whether working in mud, water, or dust, our track roller, from a leading excavator carrier roller manufacturer, guarantees reliable performance, wear resistance, and minimal maintenance, enhancing your equipment’s longevity and productivity.


Our high-quality track roller excavator, crafted by a leading excavator carrier roller manufacturer, supports your equipment’s weight and ensures smooth track movement. Engineered for durability, it withstands harsh conditions and heavy-duty use.

Track roller excavator

Advantages and Features

Our track roller features a wear-resistant rim and a reliable bearing seal, ensuring longevity and minimal maintenance. It efficiently transmits the machine’s weight to the ground, rolling smoothly on the track. Manufactured by a top excavator carrier roller manufacturer, it prevents lateral slippage and maintains stability in challenging environments. These rollers endure strong impacts, muddy conditions, and abrasive materials, guaranteeing optimal performance. Low rolling resistance enhances efficiency, while robust construction withstands heavy-duty use. Superior sealing and advanced engineering ensure these track rollers deliver reliability and extended service life. Our track rollers meet the highest standards for wear resistance, sealing reliability, and rolling efficiency.

Usage Scenarios

Our track rollers excel in various applications, such as construction sites, mining operations, and forestry projects. Ideal for excavators and bulldozzers, they perform exceptionally in muddy, sandy, and waterlogged terrains. The rollers support heavy weights and endure significant impacts, making them perfect for demanding tasks. Whether navigating rocky landscapes or sandy areas, our track rollers from a renowned undercarriage parts manufacturer deliver consistent performance and durability. They ensure your machinery operates smoothly, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity in all working conditions. Suitable for all types of heavy-duty environments, our track rollers guarantee efficiency and reliability.

Company Information: Why Choose Us

Quanzhou Juli Heavy-Duty Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. stands as a premier undercarriage parts manufacturer in China. Specializing in producing high-quality track rollers, carrier rollers, sprockets, track links, buckets, rippers, and chisels, we serve both domestic and international markets. Located in Quanzhou, a hub for undercarriage parts, our products are recognized for their first-class quality, extensive models, reasonable prices, and excellent reputation. We have built long-term relationships with clients in Russia, Australia, Korea, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Choose us for reliable products, competitive pricing, and exceptional support. Your feedback and ideas drive our continuous improvement, ensuring we meet your needs and exceed expectations. Partner with us for success and unparalleled product quality. We commit to providing the best solutions and support for your business.